From the Desk of the ABBA President

I hope each of you are enjoying some rain and warmer weather as we come into the summer. The ABBA has been very busy working on several items for the association.

The Texas A&M University System had offered two acres of land for the purpose of allowing ABBA to build the office. After many months of negotiations with the University, we have decided this is not in the best interest of the ABBA. I would like to thank Dr. Joe Mask for all the hard work and research in this process. The finance committee met, and after all the information had been reviewed it was voted to discontinue the discussion with the University System about this lease.

For now, we will continue leasing building space until we have a better understanding of the economy and interest rates. We will also resume our search to locate an appropriate property in the Texas A&M area.

There have been some great Brahman sales lately and the demand for Brahman genetics continues to grow. Our cattle will be the future of the beef cattle industry, given their heat tolerance and ability to excel in this type of weather. If you ever questioned where the Brahman cow stands in the business of beef cattle, just look at the current weather trends over the last 50 years and you will see that this breed is the breed of the future in the beef cattle industry. I am personally very excited about what lies ahead for the Brahman breed.

We continue to work on the 2024 World Brahman Congress/ABBA 100th Anniversary Celebration. Michael Martin, the chair of the 2024 World Brahman Congress, and his committee are hard at work on this event. We are planning a great event that you will not want to miss.

I look forward to seeing many of you in Paraguay for the 2022 World Brahman Congress. They have worked hard on this Congress and I feel sure it will be an event to remember.

Thank you to the All American Sponsors