2019 Spring Trait Leaders

The trait leader information has been adapted from information provided by the ABBA. We have included the top 10 bulls for each trait. We have also included photos of the “Top 5 Modern” trait leaders along with the “Top 5 Overall”. The “Modern” list includes animals born after January 1, 2000. The rank listed on the photos of the “Modern” bulls reflects their overall trait leader ranking. Please note that all ABBA herd books are included and an asterisk after the animal’s name indicates the bull is listed in a non-Brahman Cebu herd book. Contact the ABBA office for an official printed sire summary or visit BrahmanJournal.com to view this feature as a PDF.

Also, if you have any of the photos we are missing on any of the top trait leaders please
e-mail them to info@brahmanjournal.com, and we will add them to our online version. We are running this feature as a service to our readers and are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the data.


Accuracy for an EPD may range from 0.0 to 1.0. As the accuracy approaches 1.0, the EPD is more reliable and changes less in the future as more data is accumulated. Accuracy can be rated as follows: LOW – 0.0 to 0.39; MEDIUM – 0.4 to 0.64; and HIGH – 0.65 to 1.0.


The effects of contemporary groups are adjusted for in the analysis procedure. This results in the EPDs being computed as though all animals were in one large contemporary group.
This is the reason the EPDs can be compared across herds. The proper identification of the contemporary in which an animal is raised is of utmost importance for an accurate evaluation of the animal and its parents. Breeders should be aware of the definition of a contemporary group: 1) Animals of the same sex. 2) Animals of similar age (try to keep animals within 180-day birth date spread) and 3) Animals managed together and given equal opportunity to perform (re. same pasture, same feed, same weigh dates, etc.). Producers need to send the ABBA complete information on the management of their cattle so that contemporary groups can be properly assigned. Most inaccuracies in EPDs have been linked to misidentification of contemporary groups.


The following sires are the current ABBA Trait Leaders. For a bull to be recognized as a Trait Leader he must have met the specific requirements set forth by the American Brahman Breeders Association. First, only bulls that have the designated accuracy for the specific trait are considered. Once the sire has met the accuracy requirement he must be within the top 20 of the breed in the respective trait and have had at least one progeny registered within the previous two years.

This process is many times misinterpreted as simply listing the top 20 bulls for a trait; however, only proven bulls can be considered as Trait Leaders. When using EPDs as tools to help in the sire selection process it is important to remember to select a balanced bull with acceptable ranges for all traits rather than selecting a bull for one desired trait as this can yield a less than optimum outcome.


Last year, Calving Ease and Calving Ease Maternal EPDs were added to the ABBA lineup of EPDs.

The Calving Ease EPD is designed to reflect the probability that the animal will be able to be born without assistance. The higher the number is the less likely the animal will need human intervention to assist with its birth. This trait focuses directly on the growth aspects of that individual animal as a calf in utero.

The Calving Ease Maternal EPD focuses on the potential of that animal as a parent. It looks at a dam’s ability to give birth unassisted, or if it is a bull, the EPD is a prediction of his ability to sire females that will be able to have calves unassisted. Again, the higher number is preferred.

Both EPDs are calculated using reported calving ease scores as well birth weight data.