It’s the busy time of year in the cattle industry, and has certainly been an exciting fall so far. I want to give a big thank you to everyone who participated in our Bull Development and Marketing Program, as well as the sale. Our breeders developed over eighty outstanding bulls through the program this year, and I have been highly impressed by the quality among them.
I hope you will consider consigning a bull to next year’s program. Delivery of the bulls will occur in January 2024. Bulls should be born from January to May of 2023, and must be registered with a birth and weaning weight on fi le with ABBA. With your participation, this program will continue to grow and provide valuable data to our genetic evaluations, as well as provide large amounts of data for you to use in your selection decisions.
Speaking of selection decisions, how do you select for fertility in your females? I want to hear from you about what data you collect in your herd to identify and select fertile females. From basic data such as calving dates to complex data such as oocytes collected per fl ush, anything that you can provide to the ABBA will be used in establishing a new Brahman fertility EPD. Data from any point in your herd’s history and in any format will be accepted, so please submit what you have! If you have data to submit, have any questions, need help submitting data, or want to know more about our data collection eff orts, please reach out to me at ajknowles@ brahman.org. I hope to see you all this month at the National Show in Bryan, Texas or at the 76th National Ceb. Fair in Bucaramanga, Colombia, or at another event very soon!
A.J. Knowles