ABBA International Brahman Performance Summit

The ABBA International Brahman Performance Summit was held May 5, 2017 in Overton, Texas. The summit was a group effort by the ABBA Research and Breed Improvement (Performance) and the International Committees.

Taller Práctico para Expositores de Ganado

Además del show este año en Bluebonnet, el rancho Bulls Eye en conjunto con la Asociación de Brahman Bluebonnet, serán los anfitriones de un taller práctico de tips para los expositores de ganado el 3 de Agosto.

Board of Directors Meeting Summaries

The Last Board of Directors Meeting was handled in Overton, Texas on May 6, 2017. Read here the Summaries of the Meeting.

Deep South Brahman Association Sale

The 2017 Deep South Brahman Association Sale was one for the books! Read why here!

Hands-on Showmanship Tips Clinic

Read more about The Bluebonnet Kick-Off Classic and the hands-on showmanship clinic event

Vietnam, an Emerging Red Brahman Market

Vietnamese breeders are importing bulls and looking to utilize American Brahman genetics and husbandry techniques on a larger scale. The ABBA and the Holstein Association USA (HAUSA) conducted a successful trade mission to Vietnam October 29-November 7, 2016.

Pruebas de ADN para tus Brahman

The American Brahman Breeders Association (ABBA) has updated their DNA-testing procedures and now offers multiple user-friendly ways to initiate the bovine parent verification process.

30th Annual ABBA National F1 Sale shows High Demand for Replacement Genetics.

The 30th Annual American Brahman Breeders Association (ABBA) National F1 and Texas Brahman Association Brahman Female Sale attracted more than 350 people to Caldwell, Texas, as more than 650 head of replacement females and bulls were sold on March 18, 2017.

Vanguard Bulls 2016 & 2017 Inductees

A Vanguard bull is a sire that has earned both Register of Renown and Maternal Performance Sire status. In the history of the breed’s registry, only 22 bulls have obtained Vanguard status. In this article you'll see the most recent additions to this esteemed group.

2017 ABBA New Color Rules

According to the new rules, which will go into effect on August 1, 2017, “Any animal with 51% or more of one color in their pedigree must be registered in that color. Any cattle that are 50% of each color in their pedigree, can be registered in the color the breeder selects, but will be inspected by the ABBA Color Committee.
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